Maintaining the Freshness of Perishable Goods through Cloud-Based Technology ​

Managing perishable goods can be challenging, and mismanagement can incur significant expenses. Implementing advanced technology can mitigate the risks of product spoilage and contamination and save operating expenses.

Aratum helps maintain the integrity of food products from the time they are harvested and manufactured to the time they reach end consumers. We utilize advanced monitoring systems, predictive analytics, and temperature control to ensure the freshness of perishable goods.

food warehouse


Conquering problems through cloud-based solutions

Temperature Control

Temperature Control

Expiry Data Tracking

IoT Eco-system


Effective Asset

To ensure the effective management of perishable goods and food products, managers must thoroughly grasp available solutions to gain full visibility and control over the goods.

Enhancing your warehouse with advanced data analytics streamlines operations to minimize waste and ensure the freshness and quality of food throughout the supply chain.


german grocery store

More Profit

A large grocery store in Germany had issues with product spoiling, shortened shelf life due to equipment malfunction, and inadequate temperature control. They were only able to salvage up to 82% of their perishable products for distribution, while the remainder went to waste. As a result, the store struggled to maximize profitability and achieve its monthly sales targets.

Facing these challenges,they reached out to us for assistance.

After implementing Aratum Horizons, the company:​



more products distributed to end consumers



reduced waste



improvement in stockout and overstock management

Feature HighlightS

Ability to See



Ensuring the Quality of

Perishable goods

freight forwarding management system

Aratum provides solutions specifically tailored for your food product warehouse, ensuring consistent control over quality and quantity. By leveraging advanced perishable inventory software and meticulous equipment maintenance, we enable your business to maintain the integrity of food products upon reaching your distribution partners and end consumers

Solutions tailored for you

Aratum works closely with your team to tailor precise solutions that fit your unique needs, ensuring 100% satisfaction.   

Keanggotaan profesional dari


Dipercaya oleh bisnis dari berbagai perusahaan


Perusahaan Logistik di Hong Kong - Morning Express

Perusahaan Logistik di Hong Kong - Morning Express

Kami telah mengambil langkah pertama dalam perjalanan transformasi digital kami, dan Aratum Horizons menjadi kunci awal kesuksesan ini. Kami sudah mulai merasakan manfaat otomatisasi proses dan peningkatan operasi yang efisien, dan ini baru awalnya. Aratum Silo memberikan keberhasilan cepat dan juga siap untuk masa depanjuga melayani skalabilitas dan mimpi masa depan kita.

Leading scrap metal processing plant - The Philippines

Leading scrap metal processing plant - The Philippines

Kami sangat antusias beralih ke Aratum. Dari persyaratan internal kami, para spesialis Aratum telah membantu kami menyesuaikan sistem yang sepenuhnya memenuhi kebutuhan kami. Kami sangat puas memiliki teknologi ini sebagai keunggulan bisnis kami, garda kami.

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