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Aratum CARGO

Sistem Manajemen Inventaris

Fear not the rapid changes in supply, demand, and market conditions. Stay proactive with real-time visibility of your inventory, powered by Aratum Cargo.

Receive updates on replenishment.

  • Be notified automatically when your product stock level is low to ensure that demands can be satisfied with a buffer time.
  • Avoid building up excess stocks that increase your storage costs.

Fully control how you organize the materials in stock.

  • An increase in visibility makes the overall organization much easier to track.
  • Set up order display sequences to prioritize critical dependencies for efficient workflow.

Allocate inventory to various channels

  • The omnichannel approach is key to customer satisfaction, as they can access products, offers, and support on all channels, platforms, and devices.
  • Become empowered to allocate real-time updates and satisfy demand everywhere with just a click.

Customize settings to accommodate surges in holiday demands and changes in order arrangements.

  • Adjust your settings for kitting and bundling promotional items, even when targeted to specific geographic requirements.
  • Implement lot and expiration dates, especially for perishables, to ensure such goods are handled FIFO (first in, first out).

Transform the lives of your stakeholders

Kirim produk lebih cepat (Manajer Supply Chain)

Percepat proses pengiriman dan waktu pemasaran untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis lebih cepat.

Tingkatkan pengalaman dan retensi pelanggan (CMO)

Catch and fix problems faster to reduce warehouse downtime, improving customer satisfaction.

Enhance operational efficiency (COO, CFO)

With cloud utilization, enhance visibility and control over your processes and optimize your supply to meet market demands.

Integrate seamlessly with API (CTO)

Aratum Cargo is the only seamless workflow that can streamline the whole life cycle of inventory issues, from prevention to discovery to resolution.

Maksimalkan penggunaan inventaris (manajer Supply Chain)

Organize your inventory with lot and expiry dates to ensure that ROI is maximized and waste is reduced.

Kurangi pekerjaan yang tidak direncanakan (Manajer gudang)

Proactively improve receipt planning, inbound and outbound shipping through efficient resource allocation.

Aratum Cargo: Sistem Manajemen Inventaris

Fear not the rapid changes in supply, demand, and market conditions. Stay proactive with real-time visibility of your inventory, powered by Aratum Cargo.

Dapatkan pembaruan dan pemberitahuan terkini

Receive status updates on your inventory levels to prepare for replenishment. Digitize all purchase orders, transfers, and documentation to ensure that inventory balances are fully up to date.

Kelola level stok dengan klasifikasi yang disederhanakan

Kelola level stok dengan klasifikasi yang disederhanakan

Provide visibility into different inventory classes across locations such as project, task, country of origin, and suppliers. Maximize the accuracy of inventory bundling and kitting and simplify the process of order returns.

Gunakan kebijakan inventaris untuk mengotomatisasi fulfillment

Consumers expect delivery within a few days after placing an order. Define your rules on lot and expiry, barcode generation and printing, and update multiple SKUs with different life cycles.

Gunakan kebijakan inventaris untuk mengotomatisasi fulfillment

Customers expect delivery within a few days after placing an order. Define your rules on lot and expiry, barcode generation and printing, and update multiple SKUs with different life cycles.

Dipercaya oleh bisnis dari berbagai perusahaan

Hanya membutuhkan kurang dari 5 menit untuk memulai transformasi supply chain Anda. Mulailah hari ini juga.

Hanya membutuhkan kurang dari 5 menit untuk memulai transformasi rantai pasokan Anda. Mulailah hari ini juga.

Mulailah hari ini juga.

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New Whitepaper

Cybersecurity in the AI Era: Shielding The Supply Chain