Optimized Water and Energy Services through Cloud Solutions

Water and Energy are the lifeline of businesses and citizens; they should never be compromised.

It is imperative to give your customers the best services for a life necessity. Aratum Solutions provides you with advanced infrastructure to help you make informed decisions and streamline your operations. We are dedicated to providing innovative cloud-based services that safeguard public health, protect the environment, and ensure the reliable delivery of essential services to communities.

Water and Energy Services through Cloud Solutions


Streamlining Your Water and Energy Services through Data-Driven Solutions

Grid Management

Grid Management

Meter Data Management System

Meter Data Management System

Outage Management System

Outage Management System

Resource Optimization


To ensure that your Water and Energy services are effectively managed, managers must comprehensively understand the solutions available to monitor and maintain the resources allocated to all users.

Implement efficient meter data and outage management systems and predictive asset maintenance through cloud and AI solutions to ensure seamless and disruption-free services to your customers.

Effectively manage your Water and Energy operations, distribution processes, and partnership relations while becoming more sustainable, eco-friendly, and profitable.


Water and Energy operations
Cool Number
0 %

of operational costs saved

A private water utility company in Wales responsible for managing and distributing water to a rapidly growing suburban area faced several customer backlashes due to inaccurate monthly bills and some water contamination issues. Because of this, the company lost over 2% of its market share.

In response to these difficulties, they sought our solutions to optimize their operations.

the company:

After implementing

Aratum Horizons,

0 %

Compliance with regulatory standards 

0 %

Improvement in contamination prevention

0 %

Downtime reduction in water meters

Feature HighlightS

Ability to See



Providing Cutting-Edge Solutions for

Seamless Water and Energy Services

freight forwarding management system

Aratum offers comprehensive insights to streamline your water and energy service operations and ensure you provide your customers with a smooth and systematic process that supplies necessary resources for their daily activities. With advanced meter and outage management systems and data analytics, we empower your business to make informed decisions, minimize waste, maximize efficiency, and offer the best customer experience.  

Solutions tailored for you

Aratum works closely with your team to tailor precise solutions that fit your unique needs, ensuring 100% satisfaction.   

Keanggotaan profesional dari


Dipercaya oleh bisnis dari berbagai perusahaan


Perusahaan Logistik di Hong Kong - Morning Express

Perusahaan Logistik di Hong Kong - Morning Express

Kami telah mengambil langkah pertama dalam perjalanan transformasi digital kami, dan Aratum Horizons menjadi kunci awal kesuksesan ini. Kami sudah mulai merasakan manfaat otomatisasi proses dan peningkatan operasi yang efisien, dan ini baru awalnya. Aratum Silo memberikan keberhasilan cepat dan juga siap untuk masa depanjuga melayani skalabilitas dan mimpi masa depan kita.

Leading scrap metal processing plant - The Philippines

Leading scrap metal processing plant - The Philippines

Kami sangat antusias beralih ke Aratum. Dari persyaratan internal kami, para spesialis Aratum telah membantu kami menyesuaikan sistem yang sepenuhnya memenuhi kebutuhan kami. Kami sangat puas memiliki teknologi ini sebagai keunggulan bisnis kami, garda kami.

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