The Advantage of Demand Forecasting in Inventory Management

Operating a business today is like walking a tightrope. Especially for online merchants, there is no such thing as a “small mistake”, for perfectly balanced steps let you reach that far-off goal of commercial success, while, with one tiny mistake, you could tumble into obsolescence or the pit of financial ruin.    In this case, making […]

Everything You Need to Know About ATA Carnet in Shipping

ATA Carnet System

On March 28, 2022, the Philippine government and its Bureau of Customs issued Customs Administrative Order (CAO) 02-2022, which actualizes the ATA Carnet system in the country. It was implemented on April 17, 2022, allowing the temporary admission of goods to the Philippines without customs duties for up to a year. The reason for its enactment […]

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