The Ins and Outs of DDP Shipping (Delivery Duty Paid Shipping)


DDP Shipping

There are billions of consumers worldwide, providing an excellent opportunity to expand your firm. However, in cross-border transactions, the two main concerns for consumers are exorbitant shipping costs (51%) and long delivery times (47%). Interestingly, these issues are among the top three reasons customers abandon their carts.

Several factors must be considered to overcome these challenges in overseas shipping. Shipping rates can include additional fees such as tariffs, taxes, and other charges. If miscalculated, these can be tricky to predict accurately, resulting in unforeseen extra costs when clients receive their delivery. This can lead to a less-than-ideal shopping experience, lowering overall satisfaction. The complexities of international supply chain can turn straightforward purchases into far more complex transactions. Fortunately, the advantages of DDP shipping make resolving these difficulties simple.

Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) is a popular freight shipping method for international transport, especially when shipping by sea or air. With DDP, the seller assumes the risk, expense, and liability from pickup to delivery, offering significant benefits to buyers. However, if managed improperly, it can reduce profits since the responsibility falls on the seller.

When a shipment is delivered via DDP, the buyer can rest easy knowing there won’t be any unexpected fees or issues with the load being damaged in transit. The seller handles everything until the buyer accepts the delivery at the agreed-upon address.

Customers expect this level of service when purchasing products. By using DDP, you can eliminate unnecessary risks or surprise costs for your customers during delivery.

Understanding DDP Shipping

Until the products are delivered to the agreed-upon location, the financial risks and obligations under a DDP agreement remain with the shipper. The DDP shipping agreement requires the seller to cover various expenses, including any potential fees and shipping-related costs incurred during transport. If you opt for DDP shipping, be prepared to cover the following:

  • Shipping Fees
  • Import and export customs duties
  • Damage Fees
  • Shipping Insurance
  • VAT

As the importer, you are responsible for customs clearance and obtaining the necessary approvals from local governments. This involves finding the right partner for delivery and transportation in the foreign country, and you may also need an import license. However, unloading the goods may not necessarily fall under your responsibilities.

Additionally, the importer must manage the provision of goods, preparation of the sales contract and related documents, export packaging, and coordination of export clearance. All import, export, and customs requirements should be addressed, as well as the payment of all transportation costs. Liability transfers to your customers only after the final delivery.

DDP is similar to other International Commerce Terms (Incoterms), such as Delivery Duty Unpaid (DDU). Unlike DDP, DDU requires the final consumer or importer to pay the duties incurred after the shipment enters the destination country.

When a product arrives via DDU, customs will contact the consumer, who may need to pick up the parcel at their local post office. It’s common for clients to place DDU orders without realizing it, leading to contacts with customer service, order cancellations, or rejected deliveries.

DDP is widely considered superior for customer experience. Since it covers all expenses upfront, the merchant can adjust pricing accordingly. These fees can be passed along to the customer by raising the price of the goods, or the merchant can choose to absorb these additional costs.

To prevent exporters from losing money on DDP, shipping, freight, and transportation costs must be effectively managed. Poor handling can lead to inbound shipments being held up at customs inspection. Using less dependable and cheaper delivery providers to cut costs can result in late shipments. Familiarity with the laws and import regulations of the destination country is essential.

When done correctly, DDP often represents the optimal strategy for both the shipper and the customers. It benefits both parties more, especially when considering the pros and cons of using DDU.

DDP Shipping
Photo from on freepik.

Three Advantages of Using DDP Shipping

DDP shipping provides protection and lowers risk for the buyer, which is crucial when exporting overseas. This assurance fosters confidence, boosts conversion rates, and enhances the potential for securing international business. Once a delivery location is agreed upon, the seller is entirely responsible for ensuring that products arrive on schedule and in excellent condition.

Advanced suppliers frequently employ DDP in international trade when they are confident in their ability to manage all import clearance procedures in foreign markets. These cutting-edge suppliers typically have a solid history of exporting goods and clearing packages at the destination port.

DDP shipping is ideal when supply chain costs and routes are steady and predictable. This allows you to forecast and prepare for most risks, as the seller bears all expenses. However, a cheap freight forwarder can cause delayed shipments. Therefore, for purchasers, DDP is best when you trust the seller and the freight forwarders they use.

1. Faster Deliveries

With DDP shipping, any taxes, delivery fees, or other unexpected charges incurred during the shipment and delivery process are not the buyer’s responsibility. Since exporting and importing countries may require inspections of varying degrees, these expenses are always passed on to the shipper. This can often be advantageous.

Though rare, expensive inspection fees are a factor to consider. Buying on DDP terms eliminates this concern, as the seller absorbs these charges if they occur. This reduces delivery lag times and streamlines the entire shipping process.

2. Reliable and Safe International Delivery

Shipping packages halfway across the world involves numerous risks, as each country has regulations governing shipping costs, import taxes, and transportation. DDP encourages sellers to be more mindful by using the most secure routes for shipping.

DDP typically employs parcel couriers for local deliveries. In collaboration with the merchants, carriers can generally expedite shipping. Optimized routing and faster inventory turnover result in shorter delivery times and greater flexibility.

The buyer only needs to wait for their cargo to arrive and accept it once it’s dispatched. Your customer can simply wait for their order with peace of mind.

3. Fraud Protection Through Visibility

When handling higher-value products, most firms require visibility and transparency throughout the shipping process. DDP employs technology connections to ensure a transparent, traceable procedure for both the brand and overseas customers. Each step of the shipping process can be tracked, from the cart level to the delivery truck. Additionally, DDP shipping offers a variety of delivery options, allowing customers to choose where their packages are delivered, making the procedure more convenient.

At checkout, buyers can see their complete landed costs, including tariffs, taxes, and all related fees. This way, your customers won’t have to worry about dealing with customs or paying hidden charges. DDP significantly lowers cart abandonment and return rates while increasing client satisfaction.


Import businessesneed to consider DDP for international markets due to its advantages for their clients. Savvy companies today must take pride in being customer-centric businesses and prioritize protecting their clients. DDP shipping is an excellent way for companies to assist clients by relieving them of financial obligations. This simplifies the shipping process and makes it as convenient as possible, allowing clients to avoid potential customs fee problems and any actions necessary to ensure prompt delivery. However, note that your costs will inevitably rise when using DDP.

DDP shipping is a no-brainer when modernizing your supply chain strategy. It also elevates your customers’ experience if your items are sold globally. People want to avoid paying for unexpected charges, especially when doing so is inconvenient and difficult. DDP shipping solves that issue while enhancing the trust between the consumer and the supplier.

Aratum helps your business expand internationally with a reliable shipping method. Connect your supply chain to our extensive network of trusted distribution centers worldwide. DDP shipping is effortless when you partner with experts who know the ins and outs of major supply chain markets. Get started today by signing up on our website.


The featured photo for this article was sourced from Drazen Zigic on freepik.

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