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AI & Cloud-Based Solutions for Transportation

The advent of air, water, and land transportation makes the world smaller. In the past decade, travel has become a trend, which augmented transportation businesses to step up their game.


As more people travel, transportation businesses should be able to track analytics, maintain employee well-being, and forecast possible challenges while being cost-effective, sustainable, and profitable. 


Grow your transportation business through Aratum’s advanced AI and cloud-based technological solutions.

transportation management


Data-Driven Solutions for Your Retail Business

Route Optimization


Fleet Management

Fleet Management

Fuel Management

Assistance System

In a fast-paced world, managers must improve their operations to maintain a good transportation business standing, be regulation-compliant, and offer seamless travel to customers.

Cloud-based and AI solutions can help you upscale your operations, leading to smooth transportation systems and high profitability.


transportation management
Cool Number
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More Revenue

A public bus company in Canada faced several operational challenges, including driver shortages, frequent schedule delays, rising fuel costs, and declining customer satisfaction. Complaints about the reliability of their services were increasing, and the company struggled to maintain profitability.

Given these challenges, they sought our solutions to optimize their operations.

the company:

After implementing

Aratum Horizons,

0 %

 Less fuel consumption

0 %

Decrease in average schedule delay times 

0 %

Improvement in customer satisfaction

0 %

Increase in employee productivity, autonomy, and satisfaction

Feature HighlightS

Ability to See



Improving Transportation Management Systems for

Streamlined Services and Operations

Aratum offers comprehensive solutions to improve every transportation process. Our AI and cloud-based systems ensure a consistent transportation service to your customers. With complete visibility, advanced analytics, proper inventory management, robust fleet management, meticulous equipment maintenance, and ensured employee productivity and satisfaction, we empower your business to reach its profit goals while making your customers and the environment happy.

Solutions tailored for you

Aratum works closely with your team to tailor precise solutions that fit your unique needs, ensuring 100% satisfaction.   

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Dipercaya oleh bisnis dari berbagai perusahaan


Perusahaan logistik di Hong Kong – Morning Express

Perusahaan logistik di Hong Kong – Morning Express

Kami telah mengambil langkah pertama dalam perjalanan transformasi digital kami, dan Aratum Horizons menjadi kunci awal kesuksesan ini. Kami sudah mulai merasakan manfaat otomatisasi proses dan peningkatan operasi yang efisien, dan ini baru awalnya. Aratum Silo memberikan keberhasilan cepat dan juga siap untuk masa depanjuga melayani skalabilitas dan mimpi masa depan kita.

Leading scrap metal processing plant - The Philippines

Leading scrap metal processing plant - The Philippines

Kami sangat antusias beralih ke Aratum. Dari persyaratan internal kami, para spesialis Aratum telah membantu kami menyesuaikan sistem yang sepenuhnya memenuhi kebutuhan kami. Kami sangat puas memiliki teknologi ini sebagai keunggulan bisnis kami, garda kami.

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Cybersecurity in the AI Era: Shielding The Supply Chain