How Tech is Reshaping Retail Sourcing, Management, & Sustainability

The Retail Revolution: How Cutting-Edge Technology is Reshaping Retail Sourcing, Management, and Sustainability

Retail stores, whether online or physical, account for significant contributions to the GDP of every country in the world. The industry generates employment, fosters entrepreneurship, and contributes to tax revenues, all in favor of economies.  Beyond its positive economic impact, retail stores meet every consumer’s needs and desires as they give access to essential goods […]

5 Supply Chain Management Podcasts You Should Listen To

5 supply chain management podcasts that you should listen to

The supply chain world has been evolving at an unprecedented pace, and constant learning has become not just a luxury but a necessity. We are quite fortunate that the pursuit of knowledge and inspiration is no longer confined to the halls of institutions but instead widely available to anyone with internet access. Infinite supply chain […]

Driving Visibility, Intelligence, and Agility through Supply Chain Technology on Cloud

Driving Visibility, Intelligence, and Agility through Supply Chain Technology on Cloud Whether discussing healthcare, food, or fashion, the supply chains that convert raw materials to finished goods are getting increasingly complex. That’s because the world we currently live in has become unpredictable, volatile, and fast-changing. Business owners or chain managers like you can easily risk […]

Supply Chain Technology: A Shield Against Stagflation

A smooth and unforgettable buying experience is what all consumers are looking forward to when purchasing online. Data-driven supply chain management (SCM) acts as a conductor in a symphony to ensure information and services complement each other to their “eventual crescendo”—— a successful delivery. In the interconnected world of intricate supply networks, the continuous heartbeat […]

How to Reduce Operational Costs through Supply Chain Optimization

We don’t have to mention it, but every businessperson is continually looking for ways to reduce operational costs in their company. This article will tackle the importance of supply chain optimization in improving your company’s profitability. Fast fashion giant ZARA is one of the world’s most successful, if not the most successful, clothing brands. Founded in […]

Everything You Need to Know About ATA Carnet in Shipping

ATA Carnet System

On March 28, 2022, the Philippine government and its Bureau of Customs issued Customs Administrative Order (CAO) 02-2022, which actualizes the ATA Carnet system in the country. It was implemented on April 17, 2022, allowing the temporary admission of goods to the Philippines without customs duties for up to a year. The reason for its enactment […]

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