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Mantener la frescura de los productos perecederos mediante tecnología basada en la nube

food warehouse

Maintaining the Freshness of Perishable Goods through Cloud-Based Technology ​ Managing perishable goods can be challenging, and mismanagement can incur significant expenses. Implementing advanced technology can mitigate the risks of product spoilage and contamination and save operating expenses. Aratum helps maintain the integrity of food products from the time they are harvested and manufactured to […]

Scaling your e-commerce business with cloud-based solutions

ecommerce order management system

Scaling your e-commerce business with cloud-based solutions​ Growing an e-commerce business takes a lot of guts, effort, and capital. However, implementing technological solutions is imperative for growth in a dynamic world of disruptions.  From order fulfillment and returns to customer service and logistics integration, Aratum has helped e-commerce businesses streamline their operations. With our cloud-based […]

Amplia el potencial del almacén CFS a través de soluciones basadas en la nube

cargo management software

Expanding CFS Warehouse Potential through Cloud-Based Solutions From improving your inbound and outbound package and cargo processes to streamlining your labor management and space utilization, Aratum understands the obstacles in CFS warehouse operations. With Aratum Horizons, you can introduce automation and enhance visibility across your warehouse operations, leading to increased satisfaction among employees and customers, […]

Tecnologías avanzadas basadas en la nube para la gestión de almacenes de materiales peligrosos

Hazmat Warehouse Management

Advanced Cloud-Based Technologies for Hazmat Warehouse Management Operating a warehouse that handles hazardous materials, chemicals, and gas products presents rigorous challenges. From managing various forms of chemicals to managing their hazardous properties, such as toxicity, explosiveness, and corrosiveness, these facilities require meticulous attention to safety protocols and regulatory compliance. Balancing risk mitigation with profitability is […]

Preservar la Integridad de las Medicinas Mediante de Soluciones Basadas en la Nube

pharmacy inventory management software

Preserving Medicine Integrity through Cloud-Based Solutions Pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors strive to maintain the integrity of medical products. However, due to temperature inconsistencies, it can be challenging to disseminate medicines to retailers and end consumers. With Aratum Solutions, you can expect end-to-end operational visibility and temperature monitoring to ensure the integrity of pharmaceutical products throughout […]

Aratum Supply Chain Use Case Series: Leveraging CFS and origin consolidation 

Use CASES Leveraging Container Freight Station and Origin Consolidation Aratum Supply Chain Use Case Series examines the status quo of current logistics and provides inspiration for best practices.   Aratum Horizons empowers CFS to perform the following services:  Co-packing Quality control Store + call off Pick / Security tagging Scan packing Ratio pack Store ready Carton […]

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New Whitepaper

Cybersecurity in the AI Era: Shielding The Supply Chain